Wednesday, April 13, 2011


And suddenly, a small part of her could breathe.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

For Mike

In case you ever get bored and want to check this out, I made a new blog and threw this on there for you. It's not the way I want it to be. It needs a ton of editing, but I do think a good book is in there somewhere. Click on the words below!

Chaos Catharsis

-phat nob

Huntington Beach

So much depends

The crisp air
that whips at my

causes goosebumps
to form on uncovered
skin, tingling

hides the fact
they first appeared
when he kissed me.


I mean like,
I get you need to be polite.
But this twittered world
of expressive statements
leads to this uhm...
false bravado.

People like, like statuses and pictures
for the purpose of "hello"
not cause they like, actually you know, like it.
Cause people totally just don't want to go there.

They want to be like,
nice and stuff.
There's friendliness,
but then there's foolishness
and I just think in a world
where people love to share their uh
you know, inner most workings
you gotta say what you mean
and mean what you say

Because otherwise.

All we become are empty words.
Vacant statements
that don't love or

Expressions painfully waiting
to be filled with
secretly yearning
for honesty,
desperately searching for


So let's talk with words that speak volumes
so we can hear with ears that listen.