Thursday, October 13, 2011


Your littlest granddaughter just wants you to know
that though you could not speak the last time I saw you
when I told you I loved you,
(I hope that you heard me)
I knew in my heart that you loved me too.

I kissed your forehead 
even after they told me 
you were gone,
because you were still right there
 (I hope you felt it).

Rest in peace, grandpa. 
Time will never change how much I love you.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Story Time

The blades of the fan circled slowly enough so that the dust lining each blade was noticeable. It irritated the girl who sat below them, nestled into a white leather sofa. She craned her neck to watch the rotations. Everything in the room was white and smelled of disinfectant, as if the confessions told in the room were so dire only Clorox could really purge them from the walls. She heard the door to her left open. Footsteps and the rustling of paper caused her to roll her eyes and sigh.
The man walked by her with an elegance that didn't quite match his profession. She studied him carefully. His gray slacks reminded her of the dust that circled above her.
He turned to her as he sat down in the adjacent chair. He fiddled with a small black object. The girl heard a faint click.

"Could you state your name for the record please?" It must have been a tape recorder. She shifted her weight.

"Janie Leto."  The handcuffs were starting to make her wrists itch.

"And how old are you Ms. Leto?"

"I'm 16." He nodded and scribbled something onto his legal pad.

"Ms. Leto, do you understand why you're here?" Janie let out a small, almost inaudible sigh. "Does anyone?" A faint smile tugged at the man's lips. "Well, Ms. Leto, I know I'm here to help you. So why don't you tell me, do you know why you're here?"
"It's part of my rehabilitation program at the residential treatment center. I come here, tell you my life story..." She nodded toward his paper. "You write your little notes down, make me seem like a boring textbook case, and then I go back to the RTC a new woman. Sound about right to you, Doc?"
There was no faint smile this time. "You can call me Milo. I'm glad you understand why you're here Janie, but I don't think you're going to be leaving the psychiatric ward for some time. I'm hoping you understand why." She nodded. "I can deal with that." He shuffled his papers and looked at her. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions, and I'd like you to answer them as truthfully as you can." The girl blinked her eyes.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

For you

"To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure" -Albus Dumbledore

Rest in Peace Poppop. I love you.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


And now, with accelerated breath, tear stained cheeks and an undeniable urge to throw up until my heart doesn't hurt, I wonder if he only knew. If he'd just pick up the phone and call me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Everyone always said “that girl dances to her own drum
Has enough strength to blow out the stars and give hell to the sun”
Look close and I’m waltzing but I step out of tune,
Others hear Three Times a Lady , but all I hear is the blues.

Others see a woman who is beautiful and smart
Lights up the room they hadn’t realized was dark
I look in the mirror and in my reflection
All I see is a girl who needs a lot of correction.

Relentlessly brutal, unable to give myself a break
I‘m my biggest critic, always judging the future by past mistakes
Assuming people see in me the same failures I do

And these shoulders weren’t built
To take the weight of the world

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


A magician never tells their secrets
but I finally told you mine
when I could no longer bear the
earth shattering sound of my silence
and could no longer pretend that what
I felt was just some trick of the light
when I knew that to me    you were magic,
I asked you to join me
in a second act
and fingertips have never been so strong,
and their touch gives me amnesia.
I have seen magic tricks
but have never felt your sleight of hand.
The heat of your touch
melts away the coldness of my past
breaks me free of the cage I'd left myself in
without bothering to palm the key

you offered me the conjured remedies
of a broken heart,
delivered free of charge
all I gave you was my love
(I'd always been told it was worthless)
and I offered it to you feebly.
what had always been carelessly tossed aside
you gently grasped in
your hands
because you knew that sometimes
what one believes is trash
could transform into a dove if just given
the right push

you could feel that there was still magic left there
could feel your hands cup my face perfectly
knew you had powers of your own
and as you kissed me, you brought out the girl who still wanted to learn
the secrets of love
needed to know that deception and illusions
weren't necessary in order to love her
and your lips make the complications and
imperfections of myself and my past
become nothing more than
smoke and mirrors.

I no longer see love as an illusion
just magic.

Monday, May 2, 2011


They say she's got curves
for miles
and that he's straight just like
a road
but together the two of them
formed a path
that helped guide their
way home.

He says her eyes are
which sparkle when
their bodies entwine
She thinks his lips are
radiating heat
when their mouths align.

The boy sees constellations
in the freckles
on her face
The girl thinks of binary stars
as she's wrapped in
his embrace

As night falls soft like blankets,
two shapes become complete
she murmurs in his ear
"I am yours to keep."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


And suddenly, a small part of her could breathe.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

For Mike

In case you ever get bored and want to check this out, I made a new blog and threw this on there for you. It's not the way I want it to be. It needs a ton of editing, but I do think a good book is in there somewhere. Click on the words below!

Chaos Catharsis

-phat nob

Huntington Beach

So much depends

The crisp air
that whips at my

causes goosebumps
to form on uncovered
skin, tingling

hides the fact
they first appeared
when he kissed me.


I mean like,
I get you need to be polite.
But this twittered world
of expressive statements
leads to this uhm...
false bravado.

People like, like statuses and pictures
for the purpose of "hello"
not cause they like, actually you know, like it.
Cause people totally just don't want to go there.

They want to be like,
nice and stuff.
There's friendliness,
but then there's foolishness
and I just think in a world
where people love to share their uh
you know, inner most workings
you gotta say what you mean
and mean what you say

Because otherwise.

All we become are empty words.
Vacant statements
that don't love or

Expressions painfully waiting
to be filled with
secretly yearning
for honesty,
desperately searching for


So let's talk with words that speak volumes
so we can hear with ears that listen.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


He pulls the truck over
and on the side of the road
he holds me.

I shudder out a breath
as the tears spill slowly
from eyes to chin.

I am breathing through my nose,
vain attempts to steady myself
afraid if I exhale
I may shatter his lips
with the
quiver of my mouth.

His kisses are short and tender,
as if extracting venom from
a snake bite.

The toxic debris of
news that leaves my chest
tight from the refusal of heaving.

and I wonder
if one day


is what my children will feel.
Constriction and confusion
as they are held by arms that love them.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The first strike felt like fire. It spread hot over Hunter's face, quick and searing. Through blurred vision he could still see the smudge of flesh, the outline of the next swing coming. The impact against the bridge of his nose caused him to drop to his knees. Oh please. He thought. You've got me down, please don't keep going. A left foot to the square of his chest assured him the beating was not yet over, and he slipped backward, his chest ringing out in pain. His hands scuttled across the cement, his back arched, and for one ridiculous moment he almost looked like he was attempting a stretch from Mr. Otis' P.E. class. His crab shaped figure quickly gave out, and he thumped down on the concrete, limbs splayed out wildly, defeated. A laugh was heard through his left ear, and a final kick delivered to his side. His eyes stayed shut as he heard the footsteps grow quieter with each second.
His glasses were skewed awkwardly and his hair was matted with sweat. In his mouth he tasted copper, rust, or maybe it was just his blood.
A bell trilled in the background and his heart sank. He was late for third period. The sinking feeling grew lower, settling around his stomach as he realized his new clothes were most likely ripped. What will I say to Mom?
A moan escaped from his mouth. It was a sound he was ashamed to claim as his own. 

Monday, March 21, 2011


She shifts uncomfortably in her seat as the nighttime descends around the moving vehicle. The truck rides alone, two headlights shining their way home against a rapidly dimming sky. The smell of flavored cigar smoke entrances her senses and lulls her into a state of almost-sleep, and so she moves ever so slightly again. She promised herself she would stay awake for the trip home, and not leave her companion awake by himself. She felt after all he had done, sleeping would be a poor thank you.
Her hand slipped across her side of the cab as she curled her fingers around his. Her body was oddly pulled to his, a magnet to his smooth skin. She laid her head into his shoulder and exhaled. His thumb lovingly stroked her index finger as their hands entwined and the feeling was so blissful it was almost intoxicating.
Her neck stretched into his arm for one more moment and then she straightened up. As she nestled into a position that was the most comfortable she allowed herself to think of when they first met.
They had each been different people then, and she briefly wondered when it was that they had become connecting puzzle pieces.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


The problems
          we had
Such division of

Tells me
     the only way
     to bring positivity
my life.

Is to do some
   the look
makes me understand
is right.

But I am scared.
Afraid this
will bring
negativity to

For he has
a ratio
   on his side
in which he knows
how to
graphically push

He is so
   twists me in ways that
on my skin

and he angles
his words
so that
they sound absolute,

my love
my logic
parallel paths,
to meet

unified decision.

He is so
 and I
   was never
one for math.


I've learned when students find me interesting I am adorned with a splash of color. That I am used and abused. Shoved in dark lockers, tossed into gym bags (and to be honest you should really wash those socks). That I can be used as a weapon (your brother needs stitches by the way, I overheard your mom telling her friend as I lay there on the table). That I am versatile, and can be fashioned as a door stopper or  table leveler.
I have been discarded and overlooked, neglected and tossed aside, though I store vast amounts of information and knowledge. And students- if I have just taught you one thing. If one part of me, one page, one sentence, has planted a seed in your head-
I forgive you.
Love always,
Your textbook.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life After Them


    I woke up with my head pounding. Memories from the recent hours began to swim into my mind and I let out a groan as my hand pressed into my forehead. I sat up and pulled the blanket up over my chest, modest in my recent sobriety. The naked body next to me was breathing steadily and deeply. Fuck it, I thought. Let him sleep. Any time spent away from worries of the invasion was time well spent. My hand released my forehead and my fingers found their way through my hair, tousling it as the strands moved smoothly around my skin. I felt the ring on my left ring finger slide its way through my hair. I smiled. Looking back down I saw the matching ring on the man laying next to me, and it made my heart swell.
    When they first informed us of the invasion, it was as if time completely stopped. People can fathom war, and seem to tolerate it fairly well, seeing as most people don’t have to get their hands bloody. The government ships off groups of people and mostly everyone returns to their everyday life. People hear bad news on the television, and they swallow it down, only to absorb it and forget it. My point is, until war is in your front yard, or at least threatening to be, most people just don’t think about it. 
    Threats of nuclear war came first. Everyone’s assumption is that once people started talking heavily about dropping bombs onto our cities, our government started building the caves. No one would have imagined that fleets of soldiers would be coming into our country to take out the cities themselves. Little Rock, Kansas was the first one to go. Certainly not one of the largest cities, but destroying that city let everyone know they had already gotten to the middle of the country. They could have been anywhere. Nuclear toxin sat on top of that city now. Just rested upon all the dead bodies like a lethal blanket.
    And suddenly life wasn’t the same anymore. Our military moved fast. They started to evacuate everyone to separate cavern cities, the caves the military had been building since they first caught wind of what was happening. These caves were in the sides of mountains, vast hollowed places that would serve as our home for the next few years, or decades, they didn’t exactly know. The rule was that only family could stay together, everyone else was tossed into a randomized lottery that decided which unit we would belong to. Jonas had always been my family. Though we had a few close friends, both of us had been abandoned by anyone that could actually be called blood. Jonas and I had found each other as young children and had grown to be inseparable friends.  I remember how the thought of losing him had blinded me to the outside world for a moment, and when I finally started breathing again, Jonas was beside me, kneeling down on one knee. A week later, we were wed. A week after that, they came in and shipped us away. None of our friends were in our unit. We were alone, in a sea full of unfamiliar faces.
    The journey had been long and dusty, out of the city and into mountains that no one had ever bothered to see. We rode into the makeshift city, and it was sealed behind us. I last saw the sky 24 weeks ago. Sometimes, late into our sleeping hours, I had to make myself remember that the sky was blue. That sunshine hurts your eyes. It had been a painful transition, but mostly Jonas and I just tried to remember that we were safe, and we were with each other.
    Our room was decent at best, and that was if you were being optimistic about it. Small and uneven, it was dark except for the few battery operated lights that were scattered throughout the mismatched room. Our bed was a queen mattress thrown directly on the floor. It had come with two pillows and a blanket. Safety has its price. Jonas and I had joked. You could stand up fully in most parts of it, which was something to be thankful for. We had taken a couple blankets from our old residences that had made the room less foreign. Made it slightly inviting.
    Our haven had been hard on us the first few weeks. The darkness caused us to squint until our eyes slowly adjusted. The people we saw were unfriendly, and we mostly kept to ourselves. People walked around with their heads down and their spirits low. Smiling at anyone would have been fruitless, even if we could have gotten our faces to mimic happiness.
    Food was fair but consisted of terribly small portions. They needed to conserve in the first few months in case our unit wouldn’t receive more rations. This made everyone fearful and grumpy, from lack of sleep and a surplus of hunger. Jonas and I had spent most of our time just laying in our room, whether on the bed or the couch that had a broken arm. The caves had been so quiet in the beginning. No one wanted to meet anyone else, fearful perhaps, that new ties would only hurt if they were severed.
    Jonas and I have always said that we don’t know when it happened, but slowly and without warning, the cave started to become home. Subtly, strangers became friends. The fear had ebbed away slowly. Grimaces had turned into half smiles, and eventually grunts that almost resembled laughter stopped surprising us and started to form into actual laughter. We had unknowingly started to become a community.
    And then, when our unit leaders finally felt safe with the members of their cave, we were supplied with alcohol. We all rejoiced. Heavily and often. Our drunken laughter filled us more than our meek rations, our stumbling made us happier than our sobriety.
    They kept us working, for some sort of routine and discipline. Once we were off the clock however, we would sit around together in the food hall and drink. Drink till we couldn’t remember the stories of our childhood we were waiting our turns to tell. Then we would giggle and retreat to our beds. I would crawl into our bed and Jonas would wrap himself around me and we would sigh and fall asleep.
    Normally I would wake groggy but otherwise content. I would stretch into Jonas’ arms and he would kiss my head as he woke as well.    
    Today was different. Today it felt like something was banging around inside of my head and with a rickety sigh I shifted to lay back down. Jonas and I had not wed as a couple, but had wed to stay together. He had been my best friend, my everything, and slowly throughout our bed sharing in this city we had become more than that. It was terrifying and wonderful. Never before had I felt so happy and complete. Unknowingly, he had become fused to me. I was separate and yet he was a part of me. He had confessed that he felt the same, and the night we both expressed how we felt it was tender and sweet. His lips had softly kissed me with meaning and innocence, and we rocked together in new found bliss. This lasted a few weeks, until the alcohol was introduced. Once we started getting tipsy, our animalistic feelings and fears seemed to take over our bodies, and we became fiercer with each other in the nighttime, our mouths and hips fused together so hard that it reminded us we were still a part of something. Still here, on this planet.
    I laid down and curled onto my side. Even breathing hurt. I was not used to feeling hung over, and felt naïve for assuming this alcohol wouldn’t dehydrate me like every other kind of booze does.
    As I curled into myself, Jonas curled in next to me. His hand smoothed over my cheek and he murmured into my hair.
    “Savannah.” Hearing him speak my name filled me with a pleasure that was still new to me. Made me realize that saying I loved him was an insult to how I felt. What I felt was so much more powerful. I let him curl into me and I breathed deeply. I smiled.
    “I didn’t want to wake you, you look so cute and innocent when you’re naked and unconscious.” I felt his arm snake around my waist and pull me into him.
    “I’m always innocent and cute.” I could feel him smile up against my back. I pressed myself into him.
    “My body disagrees with you. My body seems to think that you are far from innocent Jonas Embry.”

    As usual, my arm woke me up. It had become an annoyance in the last few weeks, more than a pain, as the numbers that had been tattooed there flared to life and started throbbing. Time to get up. I rolled onto my back and put my arm in front of me. The numbers 1626 stared back at me. I mouthed the numbers while trying to remember the name I came here with. After a few moments, frustrated and surrendering to the blackness of that memory, I sat up and my hand subconsciously went to run my fingers through my hair. I rolled my eyes when my fingers hit bald scalp. I tended to forget it wasn’t there when first awaking. I shuddered as I remembered the interns making me sit on a cold chair. Crying as I saw my chocolate locks hit the floor. Screaming as they inked my arm and slid in a microchip that would let them know where I was, and would send a pulsating rhythm through my appendage as an alarm. More than annoying, it was lethal if you stepped outside of the compound for too long. Once outside a certain amount of feet, the pulsations it gave got stronger, until it caused you to lose consciousness. Few woke up by the time the Interns were sent out to get you, and after the Interns collected you, you never woke up again. The first few were used as examples to show others that this was home now. And I never forgot those pictures. They claim it doesn’t happen anymore, but sometimes people disappeared. They “relocated”, as the Elders would say.  But I knew. Everyone knew. But we didn’t say anything.
    As long as you kept your nose clean, things weren’t really all that bad. What I mean is, things certainly could have been a lot worse. I was fortunate enough to get along with the people in the rooms surrounding me. Their faces flashed through my mind as I pounded on the wall to my right.
    “Seven! Are you up yet?” My friend Seven seemed to be the only person I knew who could sleep through the alarm. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the silver sink. I shook my head. Everything here was so cold. There was a hardly a trace of humanity left here. At least, the humanity I vaguely remembered. The younger ones here, this was all they had ever known. They didn’t have fragmented memories that swam around their peripheral. Memories and stories that begged to be remembered. It was a constant irritation, a tide that never fully came in. Just slowly rocked near the shore of my consciousness without ever really reaching me. The children here were too young to remember anything else. I never knew whether to be repulsed by this or envious.
    I looked up into the mirror. I was used to my appearance, but it still made me sad every time. My blue eyes looked desperate and critical. My pale skin was tight against my thin body, my cheekbones so defined. I told myself I was still pretty. And then I laughed. It sounded throaty and hollow. All these months and I was still so vain.
    I clutched my hands to the side of the sink and inhaled. “Seven!” I yelled again, if nothing else just wanting to hear him. There were times when I became scared that I was the only one here, that the others had all left while I was sleeping, and it made this entire ordeal horrifying. My cramped room echoed his name.
    A double pound on the wall let me know he was awake. Good. Irrational relief swept over me. I pulled on a pair of black sweatpants and a ragged tee shirt. I slid my door open and pressed my back into the wall. I picked at my nails and waited outside while he got dressed.
    “Morning Six.” He slipped out of his room and wrapped me into a hug. Warm. Tender. Completely against the rules. My body wrapped itself tightly around him for a moment, then he released his grasp on me. Seven understood my need for human contact. When I had first got here, it’s what kept me going. Knowing other people still had emotions.
    1627, or Seven, as I called him, as he called me Six, was taller than me with bright green eyes. His skin was about as pale as mine, but that’s because we didn‘t go outside. This was supposed to be for our own good, we had been warned that the outside world contained toxins our bodies wouldn’t be able to handle.  When Seven had first gotten here he had been fairly dark and slender. Now he was pale and muscular, the trials of labor and lack of sunlight.
    “So what’s the plan for today?” He smiled and started to steer me towards the Food Hall. The path to the center of the compound was so engrained in me that I hardly paid attention to where we were going. I thought out loud, my train of thought becoming concrete sentences.
    “Work, obviously. They want us to keep trying to plant crops, even though you’d think they’d let us give up by now. Eight months and no plant life would seem like an easy equation to me, but they want us to keep trying. After that… dinner, after that…I’m thinking booze. Also, we should probably get around to seeing 1625 today.” Seven crinkled his nose at me.  “Shush. I know she hasn’t been our closest friend, but she could use some company after last week. I know we didn’t like 1624, but he was close to her. We should try to cheer her up. Have her drink with us.”
    Seven smiled. “Well, if we ever get around to getting plants, I‘ll get her some fucking flowers.”   
    It was an awful joke, but I laughed anyway. As silly as the thought of Seven buying 1625 anything was funny enough, but the thought of plant life here, of all places, was ridiculous to think of. It didn‘t stop the Interns from making us try over and over again. The harsh fluorescent lighting and the grey stone walls were enough to snuff out the idea of something like flowers all together.
    1624 had been a rebel, to the bone. Seven and I used to hang with him a lot, but he constantly broke the rules. When he had gotten caught, instead of taking the beating himself, he had pointed his fingers at the two of us, which left us with some not so pleasant scars on our backs. We abandoned him after that, and unfortunately, with no one else to take the blame, it seemed like 1624 had finally been relocated. For the first time in a long time I actually experienced a sinking feeling. I hoped it hadn’t hurt, or lasted long, whatever it was the Interns had done to him.

    Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself. I am writing this account of my life the last few months. I don’t know why. I don’t know who would find it, I don’t know where I’ll keep it, and I don’t know if writing it will end up being a horrible mistake. But it’s all that will ensure that I was here, once I’m gone. That I lived, that I loved, that I left something behind. This, is life after them.


The Unfamiliar Love of the Broom and the Mop.

Closing time has never been so lonely
one by one the lights are lost
and the nervous tapping of her fingertips
makes music in this vacant room.

The janitor comes
and the dance of mop and man begins
in the shadows it is more elegant
than satin sheets and ivory skin.

Closing time has never been so beautiful
the echoes of heels on hardened floors
create a tempo that sets a pace
and eyes are met with quickened breath.

She had felt so brushed off
as if stray hair on a face
only to realize
she was about to be swept away.


What About Romeo?

Dear Pat,
You are so lean and shy
Your fair skin shines lonely
In a crowd of people
Who notice you
But never really see you.

Earlier in the year we were cast in the same play.
But never once did I sit down to ask you how you were doing
False smiles overflowed
From your young hands

Cupped to collect anything from strangers
You wanted to get to know.

You were alone, Pat
But yet you never once blamed us
You just smiled
And let high school distance us
From you

Because you were afraid of confrontation
Or even saying hello.

At the end of the year
I received a letter from you
In which you thanked me Pat
You thanked me for being so nice to you
And I wanted to cry

Because though I was courteous
I had never intended it to mean so much.

Graduating made me realize
That I will never have the chance to be cast with you again
And no longer can I do what I should have done so long ago

Pat, if given the chance to go back again
I would look you in your eyes
And ask you how you were doing
And I would smile at you

With eyes that actually saw you.

Everyone casually picked on you
Like lint from clothing
And though it was never intentional
I did it too.

And while you never seemed to notice
I wish I would have wrapped my arms around you
And told you
I wanted you to be my friend.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A girl I call friend
passes a straw
and a piece of glass adorned with a
white line.
The glass reflects my face
What is this?
These are not my friends
Those are not my drugs
This is not my
The girl who stares back at me in the mirror is
 Showing only bits and pieces of
Peering out through powder flecked
Thin white bars
             a jail she can't escape.


I remember sleepovers
and the cupped-hand giggles
that erupted
from our mouths
in quiet graceful waves.
I remember whispers about boys
long after my mother
had said goodnight, and turned out the lights.
Confessions carelessly offered up
between cousins
secrets kept
safes of information with
locks, this
I remember.
Play pretend in pools
mesmerized by movies
tanning in the heat of Arizona sunlight.
But mostly I remember
how those bonds of friendship have
never broken
and how twenty years later
(my baby cousin)
you are still my best friend.

Monday, February 21, 2011


The reasons I love you remind me
of stars.
Too numerous to
but each with the ability
to help light my way

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


He has blonde hair and hazel eyes. Not brown. There's a sort of light that stays in them, that keeps them from becoming completely brown. They're beautiful. He's tall and when he wraps his arms around me I fit inside his shape perfectly. When he laughs it makes my heart jump. Faintly. Discreetly. Politely. When I do something he thinks is cute he wrinkles his nose. He wears a bracelet on his left wrist that makes him look manly. He's the guy every girl wants to love her. Dominate. Attractive. Polite. Gentlemanly. Sweet. Who knows how to kick someones ass but also knows how to keep their cool so they don't have to. The bad boy with the good heart. The Hollywood icon.

Until him. I felt this need to rush into love. If love was cliff diving, I took a running start. I closed my eyes. And I leapt. I felt the exhilaration of the fall and the painful landing. It would take months to completely heal from it. Not only the pain from the inevitable impact, but the pain from allowing myself to leap again. To fall in love without thinking. To impose identities onto the men I loved who they weren't, and more than likely would never be.

The love I have for him breaks the mold I had made for myself. I walked slowly to the edge, allowing myself to take in the scenery. I let my toes hang off the edge and grip the ground beneath me. Held my arms out. Left my eyes open. Tipped my head back, and breathed deep. I let the wind move my hair, heard the rustling of leaves around me. And then I suddenly knew. With him, I didn't need the dive to feel the fall. The experience of knowing all the details, of learning things slowly and processing them, of realizing that I'm in love with the man and not just an idea of him.

His eyes are the shade you get when you mix chocolate and caramel. And every time we lock eyes, it reminds me that I'm falling, even though I'm still completely grounded. That every preconceived notion I had about love is essentially wrong. That I not only know his past but want to know more of it. That I not only hear it but accept it and love it because it makes him who he is today. That I don't have to be flawless to be thought of as perfect. That men can listen (yes really listen) and still love you. That he can see me. Every slip up, every mistake, every regret in my past, and still think I'm his princess.

That sometimes, happily ever after's aren't just made for fairytales,
And sometimes, your prince does come.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I remember certain things, though the whole picture doesn't quite come together the way it should. Like a jigsaw puzzle, pieces are missing. Pieces that have the ability to make the story sensible.
I remember that I was sixteen. I was blond. I had arms that liked holding his when we were in bed together. We took naps, after school. When he wasn't angry, when he wasn't mean, being around him was enjoyable. Comforting even. As if somehow a day going by where I didn't make him upset made me more worthwhile.
And there were bad days. I remember this one day. This one day his alarm clock had stopped working. He had to get up to check his sisters clock. Just shifting wrong was all it took. He got up, disappeared, and I heard something fall. I remember the hammering my heart would easily resume, as if it knew the steady thump thump thump was merely precautionary, that something dangerous was always looming around the corner in the dark. He came at me. He was yelling and though I heard him, they were words I did not understand. Nothing had happened to make him so angry. And then he was grabbing me. Yanking me towards the door. He was upset and I couldn't calm him down. He screamed that he hated me. That if I ever came back to his house he would slit my throat and leave me for his parents to find. He kept screaming at me to get out. To get out and never come back. 

And I left. I left and with every step I took my heart broke because I couldn't understand what I had possibly done to make him turn into the person I was scared of. I came home and fell into my bed and cried until I couldn't see out of my eyes. And then I just laid still. Hoping if I could stay still enough my chest would stop aching.

Hours later, I got a phone call. And he asked where I had gone. And he started promising me he had a rage black out. That he had hardly remembered what he had said. When I told him he sounded so crushed. He told me how much he loved me. How sorry he was. How he would never do anything like that to me again. How important I was to him. To please forgive him. That I couldn't possibly understand what it felt like to even go a second thinking I walked away from him. That nothing like that had happened before and nothing like that would ever happen again.

And of course I should have known better. It was not the first time he had done something so hurtful. But I foolishly believed him. Hoping, needing him to have meant it this time when he said he was sorry.

I took him  back. The next time he got mad he threw a white board at me and caused an injury so bad I still have calcified blood in my leg from it.

I realize our stories are different. I realize your stories are much more intense. Much more violent. And scarier.

But don't you ever tell me I don't understand your relationship. I walked away. I know how hard it is. And right now, the only thing that makes us different is that I'm obviously much stronger than you.